Original Sin(suality)
“Intrigued by the origin of Seduction, Amber Ambrose Aurèle has developed shoes straight out of the Garden of Eden that represent the contrast between good and evil in women – a power that was strong enough to cause the downfall of mankind.
Photo Simon Claassen, Photo Team Peter Stigter
Scarf “Lilith”
“Lilith” - Photo Simon Claassen
“Eva” - Photo Simon Claassen
The triptych focuses on sin found in the purest places and beauty found in the darkest places: the capability of merciless sensuality in femmes fragiles and sweet persuasion in femmes fatales. Amber worked with irtatious feathers on her seductive heels that are signature sky-high. Ultra-feminine straps imply the serpent’s dark seduction. Original Sin(suality) illustrates what women are capable of: having soft and fragile characteristics and being empowered sexually at the same time..“